In a neighborhood facing economic and social challenges, a local church took the initiative to create a real link between community needs and economic solutions. Christ Missionary Baptist Church bought a nearby strip mall and transformed it into a source of vital neighborhood services, jobs, and business development. A laundromat enabled local residents to avoid traveling to otherwise-distant facilities. An ice cream parlor employed local high school students and enabled residents to fulfill community-service obligations. A thrift shop, community center, and computer lab rounded out the church’s neighborhood-oriented mission. Additional retail premises provided incubator space for local small businesses.
The church embarked on a $500,000 fundraising campaign to retire debt, fund scholarships for local students, and expand the Mall’s programming.
B Plus C Communications created a logo for the campaign centered around the classic saying, “Bloom where you are planted,” a truth that spoke to the church pastor’s founding goals in establishing the facility. Our case study for the campaign told the Mall’s story and presented the case for support. In conjunction with the preparation of the study, two in-kind donors provided professional photography and printed output for the document.
View or download the publication here.